Last Official Review Date: 05 Jan 2024
Financial Accounts
- Prepared according to National Law and Accounting Standards.
- Audited by a Competent and Independent Third Party.
Human Rights
- Due Diligence conducted as per RJC COP Requirements.
- No violence related to Human Rights.
- All policies implemented effectively and performance is satisfactory.
Ethical Sourcing
- Policies for Ethical Sourcing are in place and performing satisfactorily.
- Suppliers are required to meet RJC COP Minimum Requirements before business engagement.
Supplier Risk Assessment
- Conducted before selecting suppliers.
- Appropriate actions taken based on Risk Assessment Ranking.
CAHRA & Red Flag
- No purchases from Red Flag Zones.
Sourcing Directly from ASM
- No purchases from ASM.
Sourcing from Informal Recyclers
- No purchases from Informal Recyclers.
Bribery and Facilitation
- Policies to prevent bribery and facilitate payments are implemented.
- Workers and staff trained in Anti-Bribery Policy.
KYC for Suppliers / Customers
- KYC Policy in place for suppliers to prevent Money Laundering and Terror Funding.
- Business owners identified and requirements fulfilled.
Product Security
- CCTV and dedicated security guards in place.
- Training provided to security personnel and workers on Product Security.
Provenance Claims
- No provenance claims made.
Working Hours and Overtime
- Compliant with National and State Law regarding working hours and weekly rest.
- No overtime in the previous year.
- Overtime, if used, will follow National Law and RJC Requirements.
Harassment and Grievance
- Anti-Harassment Policies effectively implemented.
- Grievance Redressal Committee accessible and functioning well.
- Grievance Redressal Mechanism displayed and followed.
Child / Forced Labour
- No Child or Forced Labor at our facilities or suppliers.
- Policies to prevent Child and Forced Labor effectively implemented.
- Valid age proof checked before employment.
HSE and Emergency Preparedness
- Emergency Preparedness Plan in place.
- Training provided for emergency situations.
- Adequate Fire Fighting Equipment and First Aid Facilities.
- Health & Safety Training, Fire Fighting Training provided.
- Health and Safety Committee active in worker safety matters.
Wastes & Emissions
- No waste generation.
- Environmental Improvement Training planned to mitigate any environmental risks.
This document outlines the compliance and operational standards of our organization, reflecting our commitment to ethical practices, worker welfare, and environmental responsibility.